Episode 18

February 04, 2022


Owlcast 18 - with Dr. Photini Pazartzis - Alumni Edition

Owlcast 18 - with Dr. Photini Pazartzis - Alumni Edition
ACS Athens Owlcast
Owlcast 18 - with Dr. Photini Pazartzis - Alumni Edition

Feb 04 2022 | 00:15:33


Show Notes

The community of ACS Athens has always been one with strong connections between the student and alumni communities. Every so often graduates of the school cross the gates of the campus to reminisce and go back in time. Frequently, however, distinguished and renowned alums come to witness the work and projects of the students, to inspire and mentor them and address the all too relevant concerns of adolescents as they explore their life's possibilities.

Late last year, Dr. Photini Pazartzis, honored the community with her presence in order to speak to Middle School and Academy students about the United Nations and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Dr. Pazartzis is a Professor of International Law at the University of Athens and the Chair of the UN Human Rights Committee. She spoke about the foundation treaty of the UN, the three pillars, and specifically the Human Rights Committee in which she has been unanimously elected as Chair. Students were able to understand how the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are linked to the three pillars.

“How long have you worked in the UN?” “What made you want to work in the UN?”, “How can one begin to work in the UN?” were some of the questions that middle school students had the opportunity to ask Dr. Pazartzis, who told students that "ACS Athens is a small United Nations.”

“You are very lucky to be in this school," she said, "you have people from all over the world that are your friends and will remain your friends.”

With Dr. Photini Pazartzis today we discuss:

  • From International Law to Human Rights: how does someone with academic credentials transition to civic leadership
  • Human Rights as part of the relations between states
  • How the response to the COVID pandemic affected the human rights of individuals
  • Getting inspiration from the school environment for a future career
  • Being optimistic about meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and cultivating conscious children around the issue
  • Teaching a lesson by being a lesson

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